University Police paid a visit to Thurston when a smoke detector was activated. The officers keyed in after there was no response to their requests to enter the room. They reported that the room smelled strongly of marijuana. At this point, the occupants returned, stating that the smell was from lighting pieces of paper on fire. A later administrative search by a community director yielded a grinder, a pill bottle and a plastic bag. All contained trace amounts of marijuana.
Next up, A liquor law violation was reported at Thurston after UPD was contacted about a possibly intoxicated female by the front desk. The student, upon being confronted by the officers, ran through the front doors and headed west on F Street. She was apprehended at the intersection of 20th and F. She explained that he had fled because she attempted to enter Thurston using a friend’s GWorld card and didn’t’ want to get her friend in trouble. The GWorld was confiscated and after sobriety tests, the girl was released. SJS will take over from here.
There was a report of disorderly conduct in front of Guthridge Hall. A male student was arguing with a cab driver over payment. The student purportedly vomited in the cab and the cab driver was looking for payment to clean the cab. And officer escorted the student to an ATM to obtain cash to pay the cab driver for the damage.
And finally, there was a report of indecent exposure on the H Street side of a public garage on campus. UPD officers encountered a 42-year-old white male with his pants down to his knees and no shirt on, attempting to stop people on the street in order to find a shirt. The individual was barred from campus.
- Jenn Neuner
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