By Kyle Menyhert
The Student Association introduced substantial legislation at the final legislative session for the 2012-2013 Senate. The SA passed a resolution encouraging GW to “take a set of proactive measures to stop sexual assaults and launch an awareness campaign against sexual assaults”.
Senator Omeed Firouzi also proposed a bill to extend the grace period for returning a substitute dorm room key. Today, if you fail to return a substitute key within 24 hours to the key depot, you are charged $150 for replacing the lock. Firouzi proposed that the administration write a formal explanation for the $150 penalty and extend the period from 24 hours to 72 hours.
Finally, the SA finalized financial allocations for student organizations for the Academic Year 2013/2014.
SA President-Elect Julia Susuni and the new Senate will take office on May 3rd.
The sexual assault resolution wasn't passed, in fact it was a very heated debate that ultimately ended with an almost unanimous abstentions.