Sunday, May 9, 2010

Students Push for SmarTrip on GWorld

Recently, GW began handing out new GWorld cards, which featured a larger GW logo, a spiffy hologram, and a new tap-and-enter system as opposed to the previously-used swipecard system.  This tap-and-enter approach is also used by DC metro's SmarTrip cards, leading some students to advocate putting SmarTrip access on the new GWorld cards.

"It would make it so much more convenient for GW students who have to ride the metro frequently," said Leire Ariz who, along with Tsubasa Suruga, created a Facebook group titled "We Want SmarTrip on Our GWorld Cards!" which Ariz says has amassed over 300 members within three weeks.

"It's clear that a lot of students want this," she said.  "It would just make getting around DC that much easier."

Suruga pointed out that American University has already unveiled a new student ID card that includes SmarTrip access.  The Eagle reports that 300 of these new AU ID-SmarTrip hybrid cards have been passed out already, with AU Student Government President Andy MacCracken saying that the program has "so far had a 100 percent success rate."

While no one from the GWorld Card Office could be reached for comment by press time, incoming Student Association President Jason Lifton mentioned in the WRGW-SA Debate that he had previously spoken with members of the GW administration about the possibility of putting SmarTrip on GWorld, but it did not seem possible at the time.