Monday, December 6, 2010

Kennedy Center Honors lights up D.C.

DC was filled with stars on Sunday night as the Kennedy Center Honors Celebration highlighted the successes of greats Oprah Winfrey, Paul McCartney, Bill T. Jones. Merle Haggard, and Jerry Herman.

The Kennedy Center Honors is held every year honoring five people who have positively influenced the world with their talents and their ability to unify the masses.

In the words of President Barack Obama, the five men and women who were chosen to receive this year's Kennedy Center Honors have "given the nation the extraordinary gift of the arts." Obama, who spoke at the celebration, was grateful to the contributions of the five recipients.

Honoring the contribution of these sensations was Willie Nelson. Also Merle Haggard, and Broadway legends Carol Channing and Angela Lansbury singing old show tunes. In addition to these greats were celebrities Steven Tyler, Norah Jones, Dave Grohl and Gwen Stefani, Paul McCartney and Alec Baldwin. 

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