Conservative media mogul Andrew Breitbart spoke to GW’s College Republicans Tuesday night, detailing his transformation from a “brainwashed” liberal and his career goal to “take down the institutional left.”
Speaking in the City View Room at the Elliott School of International Affairs, Breitbart gave a charismatic and entertaining speech detailing his political journey and the current struggles of the right.
He explained that as an adolescent he considered himself liberal and pursued an American Studies degree at Tulane University, which he now describes as “anti-American studies.”
“I didn’t know any better,” he stated. “I was a liberal.”
His transformation began when he started listening to Rush Limbaugh and observed contradictions among Democrats and liberal organizations during the Clarence Thomas nomination.
“The NAACP sat on their hands while this black guy was getting grilled,” he exclaimed. The “sick freaks,” as he described the NAACP, wanted “to send a message to black conservatives.” It was at this moment that Breitbart discovered the “repressive tolerance” of the left.
“This is how the left works. They’re vicious. They're at war with you,” he continued.
“They go after Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin-I don’t understand,” explaining that liberals don’t want women and minorities disagreeing with them. In fact, he declared, “They [women] are leaders of the Tea Party!”
The president “is community organizing the United States,” he proclaimed. “This is a full born attempt by the cultural left to finally turn it into a progressive country.”
Rush Limbaugh, he announced, was “the beginning of the cultural counter-revolution,” but the left has “made up quotes that he had never said,” in order to defame him.
Few on the left were spared Tuesday night. “Hippies: they’re liars. They’re the meanest people in the room,” he exclaimed. He also said that he realized, during an appearance on his show, that “Bill Maher is a sneering, sneering, sneer-meister.”
During the question and answer period, Breitbart admitted he had some regrets about the Shirley Sherrod controversy, in which an innocuous story about overcoming racist feelings was edited and posted on Breitbart’s website to make it appear as though Sherrod, an African American, was discriminating against whites at the Department of Agriculture, causing her to be fired.
“I have regrets that I didn’t fight back with a lawsuit and defend myself,” he explained about the negative response after being exposed. He also explained that he had no knowledge of the PIGFORD scandal, in which he states the federal government is illegally distributing money to poor African Americans who falsely claim they had been discriminated against by the Department of Agriculture.
“She’s [Sherrod] is a much worse person than I ever thought she was,” he asserted.
Chris Wassman, a freshman, stated that Breitbart was “hysterical” and that he hopes “he continues covering some good stories.”
“I thought he was really funny and great how he radles stuff off,” explained Betsy Janus, a senior. “I also like that he admits when he doesn’t know an answer.”
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