Tuesday, April 21, 2009

SA Live Blogging

9:40: Meeting adjourned. Kyle: "Have a good summer." Senate in shock the meeting is over but lacking any sort of social life or friend base no one has anything to do for the rest of the night. Chris Pappas steals my back pack...and heart. What a beautiful man.

9:39: No secondary public comment. 20,000 students at this university and no one has anything to say.

9:36: Ali supports measure but with amendment. Tanne makes motion to previous motion. Motion carries.

9:30: Tanney offers motions to suspend rules and add new bill to the agenda. Motion carries with 16 votes. Boyer clearly agitated that meeting is continuing. Dobson tries to make friendly conversation. Tanney says the non-binding resolution is being introduced because it would encourage the Bindleglass administration to move towards reform in the future. Komo is co-sponsor. Tanney offers co-sponsorship to anyone willing to join. Jason Lifton arrives. Dobson says he is opposed to legislation because the bodies are different between this year and next year.

9:29: Dobson makes motion to move to previous question. Curran seconds the motion. The motion does not carry. Polk motions to table it. Pappas is frusterated. Boyer says that any legislation tabled at last meeting is killed because you cannot table legislation for next administration. The motion to table is a motion to kill the legislation. Pappas is very tense.

9:28: Debate set at 10 minutes.

9:27 Michael Komo speaks about the amount of time and effort being put into Constitution to "make GW a better place."

9:19: Nick Polk says it was his idea to overhaul the Constitution and that he started the process back in October 2008. Doesn't mention that efforts to do this have been happening for 4 1/2 years. Setting himself up for another Presidential run? "This is the SA guys, we come here to debate things and vote on them." Talk, debate, and vote. If it tables the people next year will deal with it. Says the SA are students, not the House of Representatives.

9:18: Michelle Tanney had a fun event planned but given the serious tone of the meeting, and the matters begin discussed, has canceled it. Says there are people here with an agenda and an ego. Calls people out for making baseless accusations about her character. Disappointed about how things have transpired in the past few days. Says there is need for reform, that she believes in Senate, and is sorry that things turned out the way they did in regard to how people acted in their attacks against her.

9:14: Boyer says he is "not playing around tonight" Says they can debate but that points must be concise. Vishal gets before Senate with a full speech but throws it away and thanks Logan Dobson. He said it is the only person who argued about the substance of the legislation. Timing and lame duck status is irrelevant. "If you don't want to be in office, get out of here. The student's don't need students who check out in March." Followed by scattered clapping.

9:13: Public comment period over

9:13: Initial public comment from Christopher Jenkins, a double alum. Speaking in favor of Constitution. Says it's "10 yeas overdue." Substantive differences, can clean things up and get rid of ambiguity.

9:12: My latte is running low. Assigning a proxy to get me more.

9:11: Prospective student sitting along the wall. Doubtful he will come to GW after seeing this.

9:09: Minutes approved, Pappas complains about not having a placard. Implies he is better than everyone else.

9:08: Chris Pappas calls his mother

9:07: Rob Maxim calling the roll. Most Senators respond with "Here by Proxy," which sounds more like a lame 80s sitcom then a serious procedural motion.

9:06: Roll Call. Meeting now underway. Proxies for Senators not present.

9:05: Still awaiting meeting to start.

9:01: EVP Boyer plays the latest piece from WRGW's news blog over the speakers in the room. Hatchet bloggers jealous, be hatin'

8:57: Award for "Most Spirited Entry into Empty Room" goes to Logan Dobson who said something that rhymes with "Cups up witches

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